Joining information

Thank you for your interest regarding International Association of Karate Ashiharakyokai. We are always interested in making contacts with Dojo on the World. One of our main goals is to provide quality learning experiences for our members. We host seminars and workshops in several areas including Instructor, Referee and Coaching Certification, Administration, and Business Management to list a few. We would be interested in working with you to assist in coordinating similar workshops for you or your students. Most of them are a single day or a series of workshops over several months.

Should you require more information or if you want to discuss any specific issue, or wish to be considered for membership, please feel free to contact us.

Our Association is a singl style organisation dedicated to the propagation of Karate Ashiharakyokai.

Membership is open to any practitioner or individual who desires to learn Ashiharakyokai or be affiliated with the IAKA . For a dojo to be eligible, it is recommended that effort be made to have a minimum of 60% of your total membership joining the organisation.

Individuals may affiliate themselves with the IAKA as an individual practitioner or with a member school. They should submit a copy of their credentials to the Headqueter. Students just beginning training need not supply any credentials and if so desired may also be accepted by enrolling on our Distance Learning Program.

Dojo's top instructors or organizational leaders who are interested in becoming a member  with a growing IAKA family must write to IAKA Headquer for membership. Please Headqueter include a brief resume and two ID Pictures with your request along with a copy of your latest grade certificate.