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International training days in Brest city (Beloorus) Germany, Belorus and Russia. Unfortunatelly Poland could not to took a part.
2022.10.05 IAKA has a new country! A representative has now appeared in Poland! 2022.04.20 On April 16-17, the world open tournament "Ultimate Challenge" was held in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, not all teams were able to take part due to unstable events in the world.
2020.09.16 This is a difficult time for the whole world, Russians dojos instructors found the opportunity to meet at the Summer Camp and have a great time training.
18th day of November 2019 Sensei Anna Zeltsman is the Representative of IAKA in Germany. She has Yondan and long time were the great supporter in So-Shihan Dojo.
22nd day of July 2019
The international camp was attended by Karate-kas from Ukraine, Latvia and Russia. Three days of training were spent as one and as the final graduation of the black belt. New Senpai - Vadim Kiselev.
3rd day of May 2019 The international summer camp of Ashiharakyokai (IAKA) will take place from the 19th until the 21th of July 2019, in the recreation center “Vecupenieki” (25 km from the city of Riga, Latvia). Full information 4th day of February 2019 FIRST IAKA DOJO IN KAZAKHSTAN OPENS!
Mr. Andrei Shorin expressed a desire to be the representative of Ashiharakyokai on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Andrei has a rich coaching and practice experience in karate. We wish him good luck in his new venture.
For repeatedly deceiving the IAKA’s leadership, not fulfilling their duties and promises to the IAKA, Pankaj Kumar Sahni and Surendra Prasad Sharma are excluded from the AHIHARAKYOKAI, and the organization they manage is not a representative of IAKA. From this moment the AKFI has no right to use the logo of International Association of Karate Ashiharakyokai.
15.10.2018 At International Seminar in Belarus two Senseis have recieving the new ranks. Vladislav Kompanets - 4th dan(UKR), Vicktar Malashkevich - 3rd dan(BLR) Congratulation!
31.08.2018 From this moment Mr. V. Namasov is not reprezenter of IAKA in Ajzerbajan
05.05.2018 Summer Camp will be held from August 26 to August 28, 2018 in Russia. With alcamptime at our disposal and up to 4 time daily practice. Friendly communication, training and test for the black belt. Camp fee is 150 Euro. In the amount is included full board, training and residence. Accommodation in apartments, three meals a day. Training in a large sports hall and on street specially equipped areas. Contact to IAKA Staff or to So-Shihan Yuri (camp master) Dead line for the enrollment is 5th of august 2018 Do enrol now!
02.03.2018 Shihan Igor Shkanov promoted to Rokudan. Congratulation! 28.01.2018 This time in the winter camp, participants from Russia and Latvia gathered. The exchange of experience and knowledge has made time fleeting. Two new black beltes holders in the IAKA 23.11.2017 Dead line for the Winter Camp enrolment is 20.12.2017 Do the connect with IAKA Staff 07.09.2017 Winter Camp will be held from January 26 to January 29, 2018 in Russia. With alcamptime at our disposal and up to 4 time daily practice. Friendly communication, training and test for the black belt. Camp fee is 150 Euro. In the amount is included full board, training and residence. Accommodation in apartments, three meals a day. Training in a large sports hall and on street specially equipped areas. Contact to IAKA Staff or to So-Shihan Yuri (camp master) Do enrol now!
28.08.2017 The International Summer Camp was held! New holders of black belts!
At the picture - Black belts holders of this camp
Shodan Vladislav Lisnensko Russia Nidan Vsevolod Lebedev Latvia Ayaz Alyrzazade Azerbaijan Yondan Veniamin Kashin Russia
2017/08/05 On the initiative of the Shihans of the our Association, for the development of the Ashihara Kyokai and the involvement of new countries in a large family of International Karate Association Ashihara Kyokai, Kyoshi Yuri Egorov was awarded the title of So-Shihan and grade of 8th Dan. Awarded on the 30 day of July 2017.
25th - Sunday, august 27th. Summer Camp this year took a place at Russia, St.Petersburg region. With alcamptime at our disposal and up to 4 time daily practice. Black belt graiding. Camp fee is 150 Euro. In the amount is included full board, training and residence. Do enrol now! Contact to IAKA Staff
New Country new dojo
From this moment IAKA has a new memeber-dojo from Latvia. Sensei Vsevolod Lebedev.
2014/08 New member from Iran Sensei Meisam Ghasemi 4 dan from now is reprezenting IAKA.
2014/01 the IAKA has new member from Japan. This is Sensei Katsuhiro Ogiso
2013 /12 The new dojo joined to IAKA from Ukraine. The new reprezener is Sensei Vladislav Kompanec. A dojo is staing in Kiev.