Technical Advisory Committee |
Unlike other organizations, association has no uniform head. Management of association is made by Technical Committee. Structure of committee: technical director - So-Shihan Yuri Egorov the honourable technical adviser the carrier of school - Saiko-Shihan Takumi Higashidani the technical adviser - Soke Jan Erik Karlsson and as each country gives the representative So-Shihan Yuri EgorovYuri Egorov the beginnings of the practice of karate in 1984. Since karate then was under the terrible ban, and from the single combats it was only judo, that karate and judo the beginnings to be occupied practically simultaneously, and since practice were passed somewhere on the basements, behind the closed doors, that judo was a kind of the screen for the practice of karate.
Soke Jan-Erik Karlsson
The Swedish Jujutsu school was founded in 1979 by Jan-Erik Karlsson. HOKU SHIN KO RYU. Is the schools name in Japanese and it literally means "The true Nordic style". The aim of SJS is to indorse cooperation and friendship between budoschool regardless of style and branch. The school often invites high ranked masters from many different countries. It also arranges weekend courses in flexible self-defence, summercourses and three large seminars (spanning over 4 days) a year. Courses in konflicthandling for many different fields of occupations such as cab drivers, medical personnel, bus drivers, and security guards and socialsecurityworkers. Courses especially designed for women are also available as is courses for private entrepreneurs. The school tries to form training after the individual, and his or her abilities . The student is then graded according to a system that has 10 levels before the black belt, given the personnel development some extra thought. The Jujitsu school in LUND is the "headoffice" or main dojo (hombu dojo in Japanese) and is through chief instructor Jan-Erik Karlsson connected to several international federations such as: NIPPON JUJUTSU AND KOBUDO. WORLD KOBUDO FEDERATION & JUJUTSU INTERNATIONAL with chief instructor Soke R. Morris 10 Dan UK, and NIPPON MOTO-HA YOSHIN RYU with chief instructor Soke Yasumoto 10 Dan JAPAN. Jujutsu means training according to the system HOKU SHIN RYU. A system well adapted to our modern society. Traditional Jujutsu means training the old traditional way, a system that has seen little or no changes since the feudal era Saiko-Shihan Takumi Higashidani (Shin Budo)Saiko-Shihan Takumi Higashidani, born 2nd September 1954 in Kochi, Japan. Started Judo and Aikido training when 10 years old. As thirteen started Goju Ryu Karate. As sixteen started Kyokushin-Kai Karate in Tokyo Honbu. Third dan (san-dan) degree obtained when 20 years old and also participated this year (1975) in the first World Champinonship and obtained a 10th place in the tournament (open class). After this he started research of another martial arts style, namely Okinawan weapons training. Continued training of Goju Ryu Karate-Do. Later learned Pakua, Tai-Chi, Shin-I and Taikiken. In 1989 he became member of the Ashihara Karate Kaikan. Now Saiko-Shihan found hisown karate - SHIN BUDOA lot of knowledges which are used in our association, are received from this person during Camps and the seminars which are passed in Denmark. This man is very decent and modest, ready to be divided knowledges of martial arts. He is a lifetime, honoured member of our association